lai thieu, binh duong - viet-nam

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  some-body actually lives in this house, right on the main street of lai thieu   10/16/04 the main street of lai thieu, binh duong, viet-nam  the traffic is 95% moter-cycles standing in front of a small store in the out-skirts of lai thieu 
  a HIGH rise in lai thieu


buildings are very colourful in viet-nam (main street in lai thieu) 10/17/04  2-star houng tram resort in lai thieu,  $15.00 a nite, the ONLY air-conditioned area in lai thieu
sitting in the "contraption", the lai thieu elementary school is behind holding the standard issue red brick from viet-nam a motorized "contraption" and stacks of viet-na-meze red brix.  10/17/04
 lane in sub-urban lai-thieu with the cemetary on the left side  10/18/04  holding a baby in lai thieu.  house-boats on the lai thieu river 10/13/04
 lai thieu high school kids in lai thieu elementary school standing in front of the huong tram hotel next to main road


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