hood river + mt hood road trip  2008

 scenes from hood river, oregon  sept 01 - 02,  2008.   the western aero-plane -n- auto museum  (part 02),  in south hood river,  takeing a road trip via hwy #35 -n- hwy #26 back to portland

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playing around with a 50 caliber machine gun.  these things can make some serious pukas.  western aero-plane -n- auto museum.  south hood river,  oregon    09/02/08 a red 1929 davis aero-plane.  waaam,  south hood river,  oregon   1917 jenny 2-seater aero-plane,  waaam.   
antique cars at the waaam    09/02/08   antique cars at the waaam antique cars at the waaam    09/02/08 
1927 model t ford.  has a crank starter.  (does that mean, no have to worry about a dead battery?)   in front of a 1957 studbaker - waaam,  south hood river,  or    09/02/08  old ford from california - waaam
1948 f6 ford fire-truck.  waaam,  south hood river,  oregon    09/02/08 side view of 1948 ford f6 fire-truck.     next to some john deere tractors
aero-plane about 100 years old,  room for 1 pilot.  but what if it rains?    09/02/08 in front a USMC jeep.  b-b-but it would be hard to drive it,  if some-body wuz behind shooting that 50 caliber gun. standing in-side garden, with a view of the west direction of the columbia river gorge.    09/01/08
vintage indian motor-cycle  (i dunno what year it is)  waaam,  south hood river,  oregon going south-bound on hwy #35.  sign says I still got 30 miles to government camp on mt hood  hwy #35 south-bound,  headed for mt. hood.   south hood river,  oregon    09/02/08 
hwy #35 headed for mt. hood,  near the top  09/02/08 hwy #35 south-bound headed for mt hood,  juss' south of a little town called park-dale standing on side of hwy #35,  south of mt hood. 
standing in empty parking lot in front of mt. hood.  east government camp,  oregon    standing in over-flow parking lot at timber-line,  mt. hood at the 6000 ft/1.8 km elevation.   52f -n- sunny    09/02/08 standing in front of rest-room complex at a parking lot near mt hood.  there is NO running water here.  
the peak of mt hood on a late summer after-noon from this BIG parking lot.  the summit is 11.240 ft. high    09/02/08 main entrance to the timber-line lodge.  the hotel wuz made in 1937.  (that would be 71 years ago)  government camp,  oregon    09/02/08  standing out-side the timber-line lodge on a cool 55f summer day.  this building wuz used for the scenery in the movie "the shineing" back in 1980 
the view faceing south from timber-line lodge on a good day:  mt jefferson is 46 miles away,  sisters mountain is 100 miles away. eating a BIG  $13.00 salad in the restaraunt at the timber-line lodge.  (there ain't no fast food around here)  government camp,  oregon  takeing a break in-side the timer-line lodge lobby.  at 6000 ft. elevation,  the air is very thin,  moveing around is NOT eazy.    09/02/08 


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