recon pictures of a chineze super-market   2007

reconnaissance pictures of  "park -n- shop" super-market  (an equivalent would be a fred g. meyer store in oregon, or a holiday mart store in hawai'i)

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toilet paper dept,  park -n- shop store,  southern hai-zhu    09/14/07  chineze tooth-paste dept shoe -n- sandal dept
toy dept. of park -n- shop laundry detergent dept.  hanger dept.
dizney store with-in park -n- shop rat t-cup set   a lot of pears .. but where do they come from?
beer dept.  fresh sea-food dept  apple (pinguo) dept
processed meat dept BIG fruits: water-melons, durians, cantalopes  beans for sale    09/14/07 
cooking pots -n- house-wears dept egg dept cookies (bing-gan) dept 


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