part of the, net-work, by k. nishimura email = kauai999 @ this page is dedicated to the extremely HIGH gas prices in oregon, and other things as well that make you scratch your head and say to your-self: "how you figgah?" if you have any-thing to add to this page, email me.
how you figgah? (what it means)
(pronounced: how you fee gah)
Definition: how do you figure that to be the case?;
how can that be?
Used In A Sentence: Eh Jay, how you figgah?
In English?: How can that be Jay?
San Francisco, CA gas prices: 05/19/07
(now this will really give you a heart attack! if NOT the highest in the usa, may-be in the world!!! this is some serious 4 dollah a gallon gasoline.)
picture taken at the chevron by cornelius pass road -n- imbrie drive, north hillsboro, oregon. I pass this location to go work every-time. they is usually $0.10 a gallon MORE then every-body else in town. b-b-b-but people still go buy gasoline/petrol there.
how you figgah?
more how you figgah stuff:
stay tooned for more FUN later on! (the k.nishimura photo album page)
visitors since may 09, 2007